Public Speaking: Mind Over Matter

Public Speaking: Mind Over Matter

Conquering your fear of public speaking is one of the greatest accomplishments you can achieve in life. Unlike training for the Iron Man marathon, climbing Mount Everest, or sailing around the world, your biggest challenge is between your ears. Truly, to be able to express yourself confidently in public, you have to first conquer the inner landscape of your brain.

Becoming a polished public speaker—even if you don’t land on stage—is entirely a mental exercise. The phrase “mind over matter” means using your mental willpower to overcome external physical realities, like public speaking.

Read these two quotes and take time to process how these thoughts can help you overcome the daunting fear that plagues over 70% of all humans:

“You are confined only by the walls you build yourself.”

Andrew Murphy

“Whether you think you can or can’t — you’re right.”

Henry Ford

If you think you can’t communicate publicly, you’re already defeated. If you are afraid of making mistakes—welcome to the human race. If you don’t know how to get better, attend a local Toastmasters club, get the app that coaches you on speaking like a personal coach on your phone, or just volunteer to speak at the local Rotary Club.

But, whatever you do, don’t sell yourself short. No matter what you do or who you are, you have a voice and a story to tell. You deserve to speak and be heard. Watch this video of a graduation speech by Denzel Washington. It is inspiring and powerful–no matter who you are or where you are in life.

Noted copywriter Ray Edwards’ slogan is, “Change your words, change your world.” If you change your inner words from being afraid of public speaking to being open to learning and doing, you will change your world.

Did you miss our previous posts about speaking this month?

4 Tips to Ace Your Next Presentation
3 Keys to Captivating Your Audience
Spring into Action: March Public Speaking Essentials

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