Harness The Power of Gratitude
As you are reading my ponderings this month the weather is cooling, leaves are turning red and yellow, and the political rhetoric and commercials will (hopefully) soon be over. I know we’ll all be grateful for this!
Despite the tough economy, natural disasters, world situation, and political chaos of our country, a powerful way to move forward is to harness the power of gratitude. And the month of Thanksgiving is the perfect opportunity to express your gratitude.
Gratitude means thanks and appreciation. It’s the warm feeling you get when someone helps you figure out a great solution to a difficult problem that you’ve been trying to solve.
So, to whom are you thankful? And, more importantly… have you intentionally thanked those to whom you are grateful? For me, I’m grateful to:
Lately, I find myself spontaneously thanking God for His faithfulness and goodness for both the good and sad things in our life. Since God makes all things, He also allows all things and sometimes the tough times are where I grow the most. (Romans 8:28 is a good verse to consider when thinking about this.)
My wife.
I’ve started a new habit with Linda. Before bed at night, I tell her one thing for which I am grateful to her and she follows suit.
My family.
I am making the effort to thank my family for their love, support, and encouragement.
My friends.
Friendships are so important that I don’t want to ever miss an opportunity to express my gratitude.
My clients.
We wouldn’t have our amazing business without our clients so I am sending out special cards this month to personally thank them for the opportunity to serve them and help them grow in their businesses and pursue their dreams.
While we don’t have employees, we do have vendors and support people who help us and I am expressing great thanks to them. Chief among these is Karen, our amazing web designer!
We can get so caught up in our busy lives that we forget to thank those who are important to us. And your words of thankfulness may come to people who really need it at just the right time.
So, dear readers, I am very thankful; for you. And as always, happy to help you with your passions, purpose, and processes. Just reach out if we can help you!