Client Endorsements
“For a business person so overwhelmed by running our business, it is MUCH easier to tweak or critique content written by someone else than to take the time needed to create something from scratch.
You and Linda are doing such a GREAT job at capturing the essence of who we are and what we are doing that we couldn’t be happier. This truly is a great partnership because while we are busy running our business, you are helping us grow it.”
Stephanie Smith, iTrip Chattanooga
“The Waterman Communications Group proved to be an excellent partner in the development of a communication piece that will be used globally for Community Bible Study. They were excellent listeners, excellent writers, truly engaged, and on time with the project!”
Kim Carr, Executive Director, Community Bible Study
“Please allow me the privilege of recommending to you Mrs. Linda Waterman for any of your communications-related needs. Linda offers expertise in management skills in virtually all areas of communications including strategy assessment and development, public relations, editing, media, web and graphics. Linda’s commitment to excellence, vision and enthusiasm is contagious…her outgoing personality allow her to be an excellent trainer and developer of people. She can be trusted to juggle many projects simultaneously and still meet deadlines. We recommend her to you with enthusiasm and joy.”
Jim Baker, Associate Pastor – Brentwood Baptist Church
“Reen and Linda Waterman are much more than just writers and communications experts. They shared phenomenal wisdom in event promotion, fundraising, marketing, public relations, and writing. They crafted difficult letters I needed to write, created new strategic initiatives, and did not shy away from having the challenging conversations our organization needed. Their insightful vision casting helped us think beyond how we always operated and they facilitated important dialogues that we needed to make important course adjustments enabling us to operate more efficiently and effectively.”
Johnny Hall, Executive Director of One Voice Mission
“It has been a joy to have you on our staff…I am grateful for the leadership you have brought to Electronic Media during a critical time of transition. You have been an encouragement and inspiration as your vision and enthusiasm have been contagious.”
Jerry Rankin, International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention
“With my extensive four-decade career as a publisher, I can honestly say that Reen’s weekly column “About the House” is fresh, insightful, and invaluable to homeowners. His three-decade practical experience as a real estate agent & broker, developer, home builder, and investor give Reen expert insight and credentials to write on this subject. This is great content for syndication.”
Jim Normandin, Publisher, APG Media of Chesapeake
“Reen is excellent at idea creation and execution. He has a keen sense of the market and how best to reach prospective buyers. I would highly recommend Reen to anyone needing an experienced, “get-it-done” professional.”
Bucky Couch, Senior Vice-President, and Co-Founder of and the Greater San Marcos Partnership
“I look forward to your development of these thoughts into something that articulates this in a way that is easy to communicate. Your draft, Linda, was instrumental in gelling our thoughts and allowing us to make progress. We have been mentally blocked each time we have tried this on our own. We believe it’s very helpful to have people that aren’t embedded in CBS describing what they see of us in ways that we would never be able to do since we are so intimately familiar with all of this and this has been borne out on this project so far.”
Ron Hosie, Associate Executive Director, CBS
“Reen prepared a powerful Case for support from the Doris Buffet – Sunshine Lady Foundation in June 2012 for Empowerhouse, a non-profit organization supporting victims of domestic violence in the Fredericksburg, VA region. He penned this 15-page request for a major donation pro bono. His passion for the mission of Empowerhouse was evident throughout this superbly written appeal. In the two years since he prepared this successful grant request, the Sunshine Lady Foundation has become our #1 donor, with gifts exceeding $2 million.”
Doug Jones, Vice President, Empowerhouse Board of Directors
“Thank you so much! It was truly a richer time together because of you. WOW! You are incredibly gifted as a speaker and discussion leader. And your ideas truly inspire me!”
Lynne Tellschow, Director of Women’s Ministries, Harvest Bible Chapel, Elgin, IlIinois
“Reen Waterman is a person of high caliber, morals, and integrity. He displays initiative and strong leadership skills, is persuasive, and works well collaboratively. Reen possesses sophisticated people skills, is an effective listener, and is unusually gifted with outstanding written and oral communication abilities”
Larry Grazio, Community Relations and Development, The Salvation Army