A.B.C.–Authority Builds Credibility

A.B.C.–Authority Builds Credibility

Saturday night I went to bed thinking and praying about writing the content for our May newsletter and blogs. Sunday morning, I awakened with the answer to my mental quest– the acronym “A.B.C.” kept rolling around in my head so loud I literally got up to write this inspiration down before it evaporated!

This just proves the point that when you give your mind a challenge to consider during the night, and pray for wisdom, you most likely will awaken the next morning with clarity of thought and solutions you sought that you might not have realized while conscious. Give it a try…you might surprise yourself.

One of the surest ways to build your business is to become known as a credible authority in your field of expertise. My acronym A.B.C. stands for “Authority Builds Credibility.” So, that’s what we’ll  focus on this month.

Linda and I are both authors, writers, trainers, and speakers. We write, speak, and train about subjects in our “wheelhouse” so we employ our expertise to help others grow their businesses. When you capitalize on the areas where you excel, focusing on knowledge gained from past experience and education, others want to meet and learn from you. Your success in your field of expertise attracts others who would like to improve in these areas. By promoting and sharing information in areas where we are strong, we help others improve in areas where others are weak. This is both personally and professionally rewarding.  And thankfully, others do the same for us!

So, what are 4 ways to become known as a credible authority and build your brand? Here they are and tune in each week to learn more:

  1. Speak Locally.
    Oh, yes, I did write “public speaking!!” Did you know that public speaking is the #1 Fear in the WORLD! More people suffer from Glossophobia—the fear of public speaking—than any other fear. But it is easy to conquer, and organizations everywhere regularly need people to speak on a broad range of topics. Attract new friends and clients by becoming a confident presenter. So, next week we’ll delve into that subject.

  2. Articles and Advertorials.
    Sharing your knowledge, skills, successes, and tips in writing is another way to become a known authority in your local market. Many people who do not write well appreciate those schooled and skilled in the craft of writing. Using your knowledge and business acumen to write blogs, articles for newsletters and newspapers, and custom emails can position you as an authority in your local market.

    Advertorials are another powerful tool to promote your business. Advertorials look like news articles except they have your contact information and specifically describe your business. These can have a higher rate of return than a simple advertisement. So, you won’t want to miss this upcoming blog either.

  3. Write a Column.
    “Now hold on…I could never do that,” I hear many of you fearfully thinking. But it’s not as hard as it sounds. It simply takes a little creativity to see where a need exists, some background experience, and the boldness to pitch the idea. I leveraged my real estate experience to land a spot as the feature real estate columnist in a regional newspaper for 2 years. And then I leveraged this experience to land a column, Better Business Protocol, in Chattanooga’s only Business Magazine, EDGE.

  4. Write a Book.
    The last way to build your credibility as an expert in your field is to write and publish a book. While many may feel this is a daunting task, it really isn’t. And having a book written by you on your area of business expertise or personal knowledge is one of the best “calling cards” you can have for developing new business. As book writing coaches, co-authors, ghostwriters, and self-publishers, we can help you successfully accomplish this goal taking your business to the next level.

So, if you are ready to promote your business by building your local credibility as an authority in your business arena, stay tuned for some powerful information and direction in the coming weeks.

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